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Listing posts by Mosaic Space

Where have all our students gone?

Posted by Mosaic Space

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"Where have all our students gone? The challenges of learning space utilisation and student engagement." Our Managing Director, John Pryzibilla (Mosaic Space) together with Brooke Jacobson (Curtin University) and Satya Webster (Flinders University) will be presenting this paper at the Tertiary Education Management Conference in Adelaide, 29 Sept - 2...

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TEMC 2019 Adelaide

Posted by Mosaic Space

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We’re going to be at the Tertiary Education Management Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre. 29 SEPTEMBER – 2 OCTOBER 2019 Come and say hello and check out our booth. Mosaic Space has sophisticated software tools, expertise and a specialist focus on Higher Education Space Management that empowers facilities decision-making...

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Urgent Modelling for Crisis Prevention

Posted by Mosaic Space

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The University was conscious of a rapidly-approaching crisis: it was two months before the teaching year started, and they had just realised that it was impossible to schedule all planned lectures into available theatres in Semester 2. What could be done? What were the options the University could reasonably consider?...

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Teaching Space Projections Project

Posted by Mosaic Space

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A large university with a number of dispersed campuses was experiencing a period of rapid and sustained growth in student enrolments, combined with a major re-structuring of teaching delivery methods. The university needed a detailed analysis of past and present use of teaching space, combined with a projection of teaching...

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Teaching Space Utilisation Audit

Posted by Mosaic Space

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At different large universities, staff were briefed to implement regular teaching room audits, but required assistance to set up the audit structures and processes. Yearly audits were needed in order to gauge the effectiveness of timetable software in improving the use of rooms, and to highlight pressure points for future...

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University of Technology Sydney City Campus Master Plan

Posted by Mosaic Space

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Mosaic-Space undertook several projects at different stages of the planning process. Our role included reviewing existing plans, validating the accuracy of planning data and development of a number of timetable-based teaching space models. A key focus was ensuring, with the best possible accuracy, that there would not be an over-supply...

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University of Sydney Business School

Posted by Mosaic Space

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The University's plan was to consolidate its business-teaching facilities in the Abercrombie Precinct. Previously these were spread over nine buildings on the Camperdown / Darlington campus. In parallel, consideration needed to be give to changes in pedagogy, and the new types of space that would support such moves, while also...

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Space and Timetable Policy Development

Posted by Mosaic Space

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An institution with a common profile of teaching and research activity was having problems with capturing and analysing space usage data. Informal reports indicated that some room types were frequently booked, but data in the timetabling system did not back up these views. There was a view in some faculties...

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Innovative Teaching Spaces Recommendations

Posted by Mosaic Space

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Conducted in collaboration with our business partner New Learning Environments: Rubida Research as part of a wider accommodation review for a large city university, Mosaic-Space examined the current usage of collaborative and innovative learning spaces and made recommendations for the implementation of state-of-the-art learning spaces. A major part of the...

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Deployment of Automated Timetable Software

Posted by Mosaic Space

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The company recently assisted a medium-sized university to plan for the deployment of automated timetable software. The brief included the creation of a cost-benefit analysis that examined the data interfaces that the university was already using, and the methods by which the new timetabling software could be integrated with existing...

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